Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hibiscus Hummingbird Paint-by-Numbers Kit

Hibiscus Hummingbird Paint-by-Numbers Kit

Hibiscus Hummingbird Paint-by-Numbers Kit

Looking into new hobbies I came across this pretty paint-by-numbers kit and thought that this would be a fun to do project for my next craft plus once it's completed I have the perfect room to hang it in.  The colors are just right to match a beautiful bedroom, living room, kitchen or even a vibrant bath!  The acrylic paints are included in this and it comes on a pre-printed textured art board that measures 14" x 11". The subtle shading of the background is created by using a dry brushing technique all the instructions are included.
Here are a few more...

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Let's Make Some Wind Chimes in Plastic Canvas Patterns

Wonderful Whimsical Wind ChimesWonderful Whimsical Wind Chimes
Here's a cool idea for wind chimes to put on your porch or patio or even indoors so they stay dry! Make some wind chimes using plastic canvas and yarn. If you want cut costs buy some inexpensive wind chimes at the dollar store and modify them using these patterns. There are eight designs in all to make and you can easily download the pattern to get started on them right away!
Wonderful Whimsical Wind ChimesDesigns include an angel fish, mermaid, teacup, flamingo, lighthouse and more!
Wonderful Whimsical Wind ChimesWonderful Whimsical Wind ChimesWonderful Whimsical Wind ChimesWonderful Whimsical Wind ChimesWonderful Whimsical Wind ChimesWonderful Whimsical Wind Chimes
Doll House Vintage Plastic Canvas Pattern PDF Victorian Dream

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Cross Stitch for Spring a Basket of Flowers Pattern

Craft Kits  Embroidery Starter Kit w/ Floral Pattern

I think most of us can't wait for spring to arrive so to get ready here is a beautiful free cross stitch basket of flowers pattern that you can start working on for your next project.  Vivid colors of flowers along with a butterfly make this great for any time of the year. There are about 20 colors of floss used in the pattern and it can be stitched on 14 count Aida Cloth or 16 Count Aida Cloth. The pattern has full, half and straight stitches. 

Hydrangeas & Roses Counted Cross Stitch
Hydrangeas and Roses Cross Stitch Pattern

Modern cross stitch pattern. Flower cross stitch pattern. Floral cross stitch pattern. Hand embroidery hoop art

Cross Stitch Basket of Kittens Pattern

Leisure Arts originally had this a free Friday pattern but it's available on their blog as a digital download.  The cute kittens to cross stitch in a basket can be made into pillows, cross stitched on to pictures, blankets, clothing or whatever item you wish. The free download is easy to print and you can refer back to it time and time again to make these cute kittens. They look really nice on a pillow to keep or give to someone special.

ePattern Toad-aly Awesome Cross Stitch Pattern

Free Knitting Pattern Christening Dress, Booties & Bonnet

ePattern Christening Dress, Bonnet, & Booties
ePattern Christening Dress, Bonnet, & Booties

Designs by School House Design Studio.

Gauge - the number of stitches and rows per inch - is the key to a well-fitting garment. In each pattern, we have specified a gauge; it is essential that you achieve this gauge in working the garment. Before beginning any garment, take the time to work a gauge swatch in the pattern stitch and with the yarn and needles specified. Change to larger or smaller needles if necessary to achieve gauge.

beg       begin(ning)
BO       bind off
CO        cast on
dec        decrease(ing)
inc         increase(ing)
K           knit
oz           ounce(s)
P           purl
patt        pattern
rem        remain(ing)
rep         repeat
rnd         round
sl           slip
SSK        slip, slip, knit
st(s)       stitch(es)
stock st  stockinette stitch
tog         together
yd(s)       yard(s)
YO        yarn over

Size: Infant to 6 months

eBook Expanded Timeless Knit Christening Sets
eBook Expanded Timeless Knit Christening Sets

Materials: Baby weight yarn, 7 oz white; for dress and bonnet, size 3, 10" straight knitting needles and 26" circular needle; for booties, size 4, 10" straight needles (or sizes needed for gauge); 1 large and 2 medium stitch holders; 11/2 yds, 1/4" wide white satin ribbon; three 3/16" white buttons; 1 stitch marker.

Gauge: For dress and bonnet, in stock st, 8 sts = 1"
                                                                 10 rows = 1"
          For booties, in garter st, 71/2 sts = 1"
                                                  12 rows= 1"

Pattern Stitches 
Lace Knot Pattern (Multiple of 4 + 2)

Row 1 (wrong side)Knit even loosely.

Row 2: K1, * (P1, K1, P1) loosely in next st, K next 3 sts tog; rep from * across row, ending K1. Mark this row as right side.

Row 3: Knit even.

Row 4: K1, * K3 tog, (P1, K1, PI) loosely in next st; rep from * across row, ending K1.

Note: K3 tog is directly over the (P1, K1, P1) in one st of Row 2. Rep Rows 1-4 for pattern.

Fleur-de-Lis Pattern (Multiple of 22)
In this pattern the abbreviation “SSK” means to sl 2 sts, one at a time, as if to knit (Fig. 1); then insert left hand needle into fronts of these 2 sts, from right to left; knit them tog from this position (Fig. 2).

Rnd 1 (right side): * YO, SSK, K 20; rep from * to end of rnd.

Rnd 2: Knit to last 2 sts, K2 tog.

Rnd 3: YO, K1, YO, SSK, K 17; * K2 tog, YO, K1, YO, SSK, K 17; rep from * ending K 18.

Rnd 4: Knit.

Rnd 5: K1, * YO, SSK, K 20; rep from * ending K 19.

Rnds 6-25: Knit.

Rnd 26: K 12, * YO, SSK, K 20; rep from * ending K8.

Rnd 27: Knit.

Rnd 28: K 10, * K2 tog, YO, K1, YO, SSK, K 17; rep from * ending K7.

Rnd 29: Knit. Rnd 30: Rep Rnd 26.

Skirt Border
Beg at lower edge, with circular needle, loosely CO 262 sts. Work back and forth in rows, do not join work. Work Rows 1-4 of Lace Knot Patt until piece measures 2" from beg, ending by working a wrong side row. Do not break yarn. Cut another piece of yarn about 9" and thread into tapestry needle. Weave ends of border tog from right side; this seam becomes lower right edge of dress. You will now join and work in rnds; place a marker on needle to indicate beg of rnd; sl marker at end of each rnd.

Rnd 1 
(dec rnd)K 10, * K4, K2 tog; rep from * around 42 times: 220 sts.

Rnds 2-20: Knit.

Rnds 21-50: Work Rnds 1-30 of Fleur-de-Lis Patt. Rnds

51-70: Knit.

Rnds 71-100: Rep Rnds 21-50.

Note: If longer skirt is desired, rep Rnds 21-50 required number of times for length. Additional yarn will be needed for a longer garment.

End of Fleur-de-Lis Patt

Rnds 101-108: Knit.

Rnd 109: Change to straight needles, knit 110 sts. These 110 sts form back of dress; 110 sts are left on circular needle for front of dress, to be worked later.

Note: You will now work back and forth in rows.

Right Back
Row 1 (wrong side): P 55, place these sts on holder for Left Back. K4 (these form button band at center back), P 49, P2 tog. Row 2: Knit. Row 3: K4, purl to last 2 sts, P2 tog. Rows 4-19: Rep Rows 2 and 3, 8 times: 45 sts. Row 20: Knit. Row 21: K2, YO, K2 tog (buttonhole made), purl across. Row 22: K1, * (K3 tog) 3 times, K2 tog, rep from * 2 more times; (K3 tog) twice, K5: 20 sts. Sl rem 20 sts to holder. Finish off.

Left Back
Row 1: CO 4 sts (band), K 53 sts from first holder, K2 tog: 58 sts.

Row 2: Purl across to last 4 sts, K4.

Row 3: Knit to last 2 sts, K2 tog.

Row 4: Rep Row 2.

Rows 5-22: Rep Rows 3 and 4, 9 times: 48 sts.

Row 23 (dec row): K4, * (K3 tog) 3 times, K2 tog, rep from * 3 more times: 20 sts. Sl rem 20 sts to holder. Finish off.

Pick up circular needle with 110 sts and work back and forth in rows.

Row 1: K2 tog, knit to last 2 sts, K2 tog.

Row 2: Purl.

Rows 3-22: Rep Rows 1 and 2, 10 times: 88 sts.

Row 23 (dec row)K3, * (K3 tog) 3 times, K2 tog, rep from * 6 more times, ending K3 tog, K2 tog, K3: 36 sts. Leave these sts on needle.

Puff Sleeves
Change to straight needles and CO 51 sts.

Rows 1-6: Knit.

Row 7: Inc one st in each st by knitting into front and back of each st: you should have 62 sts. Work Rows 1-4 of Lace Knot Patt until piece measures 4", ending by working a wrong side row.

Next Row (right side): K1, *K4 tog; rep from * to last st, K1.

Next Row: K 17, sl 17 sts to holder; finish off.

Make second Sleeve in same manner, do not sl to holder.

Sl the 17 Sleeve sts on straight needle to the circular needle which holds the Front sts; sl the 17 sts of other Sleeve from holder to opposite side of circular needle; sl the 20 sts of the Right Back to correct side of circular needle; sl the 20 sts of Left Back from holder to opposite end of needle. With right side facing, sts should be on circular needle in this order: Left Back section, Left Sleeve, Front section, Right Sleeve, Right Back section. You should have 110 sts. Be certain all pieces face in the same direction.

With wrong side facing, join yarn at center Back opening; work back and forth in rows.

Row 1: Knit to last st of Left Back section, knit this st and first Sleeve st tog; knit across Sleeve to last st, knit this st and first st of Front section tog; knit across to last st of Front section, knit this st and first st of second Sleeve tog, knit across Sleeve to last st and knit this st and first st of Right Back section tog; knit across rest of Right Back section: 106 sts.

Note: On all rows of Yoke, K4 sts at beg and end to form back button band.

Rows 2-22: Work Lace Knot Patt starting with Row 2 of patt. On Row 13 of Yoke, work buttonhole as before on Right Back. Continue in patt; Yoke should now be about 21/2" deep.

Row 23 (wrong side)K4 (button band), * K2 tog; rep from * to last 4 sts, K4: 57 sts.

Rows 1-3:
 Change to straight needle; knit.

Row 4: Work buttonhole, knit across.

Row 5: Knit.

BO loosely.

Finishing: From front, weave tog 1" of Lace Knot Patt at underarm Sleeve seam. Sew Sleeves to dress up sides of armhole. Sew back button band at lower edge, lapping the right side over the left side. Steam dress lightly. Sew on buttons.

Beg at top with size 4 needle, CO 30 sts.

Rows 1-5: Knit.

Row 6 (right side)K1, *(P1, K1, P1) loosely in next st; K next 3 sts tog, rep from * to last st, K1.

Row 7: Knit.

Row 8: K1,* K3 tog, (P1, K1, P1) loosely in next st, rep from * to last st, K1.

Row 9: Knit.

Rows 10-12: Rep Rows 6-8.

Rows 13-16: Knit.

Row 17: K1, purl to last st, K1.

Row 18: Knit.

Rows 19 and 20: Rep Rows 17 and 18.

Row 21: Rep Row 17.

Row 22: K1, (YO, K2 tog, K1) twice; (YO, K2) 9 times; YO, K2 tog, K1; YO, K2 tog: 39 sts.

Row 23: Purl.

Instep Shaping
Row 1: K 26, turn (rem sts are left unworked on needle).

Row 2: K1, P 11, K1, turn.

Rows 3-12: Beg with knit row, work in stock st over these 13 sts, knitting first and last st of each purl row; end by working a purl row. Finish off.

With right side facing, join yarn at beg of Instep at right. Pick up and K 11 sts along right side, K 13 sts across Instep, pick up and K 11 sts up left side, K 13 sts from end of needle: 61 sts. Beg on wrong side, K1, K2 tog, knit across row. Knit 10 more rows on these 60 sts.

Foot Shaping
Row 1: 
(K1, K2 tog, K 24, K2 tog, K1) twice.

Row 2: K 26, (K2 tog) twice, K 26.

Row 3: (K1, K2 tog, K 21, K2 tog, K1) twice.

Row 4: K 23, (K2 tog) twice; K 23.

Row 5: K 22, (K2 tog) twice; K 22. BO loosely. Sew back and along bottom of foot. Cut two 10" strands of ribbon; thread through eyelets at ankle.


With size 3 straight needles, CO 98 sts. Work Lace Knot Patt for 4". BO.

CO 16 sts.

Rows 1, 3 and 5: Purl.

Rows 2 and 4: Knit.
Row 6: Inc one st in first st, knit to last st, inc one st in last st. Rep Rows 1-6, five more times. Continue in stock st, knitting the first 2 sts and last 2 sts tog on each knit row for 18 rows. BO. Sew to Crown on inside with back st far enough in from edge to hide inc and dec togs.

Bottom Band
Note: Pick up all sts on needle and then knit. Do not knit each st as you pick it up.

With right side of work facing, and neck edge at top, pick up 30 sts across Lace Knot Patt rows; 16 sts across Back, and 30 sts across pattern rows on other side: 76 sts in all. Join yarn and knit 5 rows even. BO. Cut two 15" pieces of ribbon and sew at sides.
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FREE FOR YOU from Leisure Arts, Inc. ©2013 All rights reserved. These instructions may be photocopied and shared with your friends. They may not be kitted or sold. We have made every effort to ensure that these instructions are accurate and complete. We cannot, however, be responsible for human error, typographical mistakes, or variations in individual work.

Irish Lace Christening Gown Pattern Irish Lace Christening Gown Pattern
Your special little girl will wear it today -- tomorrow it will dress her baby doll -- and always it will wait for the next generation's first little girl. This premier dress is fabulous whether you choose to make the full length or the shorter version. Bottom two ruffles detach and become a lacy diraewaper hanger. Shorter dress can continue to be worn for special occasions until outgrown, then it is time to become a beautiful bed doll. Sizes Preemie through 9 months will fit baby dolls ranging from 17" to 24", made with baby weight yarn. Be sure to watch this catalog for future dress patterns in this series.

Crochet Lacy Layette Baby Pattern

ePattern Lacy Layette Crochet Pattern
If you are looking for a nice crochet pattern for baby this beautiful Lacy Layette requires about 10 skeins of baby fingering yarn for the blanket and a Size D Crochet Hook.  The size is for baby around 6 to 9 months and the free pattern includes the Sacque, Bonnet, Booties and of course the Blanket. (Note this is no longer a free pattern 


Crochet Granny Ottoman Cover Crochet Pattern

Red Heart Granny Ottoman Cover
Here is an easy and fun project to crochet.  A unique way to decorate a home. 
All you have to do is purchase an inexpensive storage ottoman, then crochet five large granny squares and sew or crochet them together.  Choose colors that match the room you are placing the ottoman in.  Bright colors for a little girls room would be fun or place this in a playroom or den.

Knit and Crochet Now! Season 6: Ottomans

Knit and Crochet Now! Season 6: Ottomans

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Free Pattern for Crochet Sandals

Camouflage Cowl, Macrame Gladiator Sandals, and Wrap Around Leather BraceletI came across this cute pattern for crocheted sandals on the Crochetncrafts web site.  These are for indoor use but with a little modifications you could probably make some for outdoors also.

Crochet a pair of comfy sandals for summer or to wear around the house here are a few crochet patterns for you to check out to make your own crochet sandals!
Crochet Original Short Gladiator Flippies Pattern Adult Size

Instant download  Crochet PATTERN pdf file  Summer Sandals

CROCHET PDF PATTERN white three leaves barefoot sandals

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