Thursday, March 15, 2012

How to Make Easter Garland Eggs using Paint sample cards

Recently, after painting the bathroom I had a whole bunch of the paint sample cards leftover and was looking for projects to make using the samples instead of throwing them away.  My grandson loves to cut and paste but I wanted to show him another creative project so tomorrow we are going to make some Easter eggs!
This cute and simple idea can be made by using paint sample cards, and some string or ribbon.  Make garland a mobile, string them horizontally or vertically and just use your imagination!
This fun and easy craft can be enjoyed by both kids and adults.
Trace the egg on the back of the card, punch holes and string the garland! You can also make Easter rabbit garland and many other designs.

1 comment:

  1. Using the paint chips was such an awesome idea, it's like they were made for your garland!!


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