ePattern Cabled & Sailor Bubble Suits
(scroll down for the free pattern)
Your little ones are sure to be as cute as can be in this precious knitted bubble suit. This design is knitted using sport weight yarn and size 3 (3.25 mm) and 5 (3.75 mm) straight needles.
Pattern used by permission from Leisure Arts (see note at the bottom of the page from LA)
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Size: 3{6-12} months
Finished Measurement:
20{22-24}"/51{56‑61} cm
Size Note: Instructions are written for size 3 months, with sizes 6 and 12 months in braces { }. Instructions will be easier to read, if you circle all the numbers pertaining to your size. If only one number is given, it applies to all sizes.
Sport Weight Yarn, approximately:
3{31/2-41/4} ounces, 375{440-535} yards
[90{100-120} grams, 343{402‑489} meters]
Straight knitting needles, sizes 3 (3.25 mm) and
5 (3.75 mm) or sizes needed for gauge
Cable needle
Stitch holders - 5
Snap tape - 5" (12.5 cm)
Buttons - 3
Yarn needle
Sewing needle and thread
GAUGE: With larger size needles,
in Stockinette Stitch,
24 sts and 32 rows = 4" (10 cm)
Note: Row gauge is very important in this design.
With smaller size needles, cast on 60{70‑80} sts loosely.
Rows 1-6: Work across in K1, P1 ribbing.
Row 7 (Increase row): Work across in K1, P1 ribbing increasing 6{8‑10} sts evenly spaced (Figs. 2a and b, page 10): 66{78‑90} sts.
Change to larger size needles.
Row 8 (Right side): K 10{12-13}, † YO (Fig. 3a, page 10), K1, YO, K8{10‑14}, YO, K1, YO †, K 26{30‑32}, repeat from † to † once, K 10{12‑13}: 74{86‑98} sts.
Row 9: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P6{9-12}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
To work Cable, slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, K2 from left needle, K2 from cable needle.
Row 10: K3, work Cable, † K4{6-7}, YO, K1, YO, K3{4‑6}, work Cable, K3{4‑6}, YO, K1, YO, K4{6‑7}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 82{94‑106} sts.
Row 11: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P8{11-14}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 12: K 12{14-15}, † YO, K1, YO, K 12{14‑18}, YO, K1, YO †, K 30{34‑36}, repeat from † to † once, K 12{14‑15}: 90{102‑114} sts.
Row 13: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 10{13‑16}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 14: K3, work Cable, † K6{8-9}, YO, K1, YO, K5{6‑8}, work Cable, K5{6‑8}, YO, K1, YO, K6{8‑9}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 98{110‑122} sts.
Row 15: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 12{15‑18}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 16: K 14{16-17}, † YO, K1, YO, K 16{18-22}, YO, K1, YO †, K 34{38‑40}, repeat from † to † once, K 14{16‑17}: 106{118‑130} sts.
Row 17: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 14{17‑20}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 18: K3, work Cable, † K8{10‑11}, YO, K1, YO, K7{8‑10}, work Cable, K7{8‑10}, YO, K1, YO, K8{10‑11}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 114{126‑138} sts.
Row 19: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 16{19‑22}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 20: K 16(18-19), † YO, K1, YO, K 20{22‑26}, YO, K1, YO †, K 38{42‑44}, repeat from † to † once, K 16{18‑19}: 122{134‑146} sts.
Row 21: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 18{21‑24}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 22: K3, work Cable, † K 10{12‑13}, YO, K1, YO, K9{10‑12}, work Cable, K9{10‑12}, YO, K1, YO, K 10{12‑13}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 130{142‑154} sts.
Row 23: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 20{23‑26}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 24: K 18(20-21), † YO, K1, YO, K 24{26‑30}, YO, K1, YO †, K 42{46‑48}, repeat from † to † once, K 18{20‑21}: 138{150‑162} sts.
Row 25: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 22{25‑28}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 26: K3, work Cable, † K 12{14-15}, YO, K1, YO, K 11{12‑14}, work Cable, K 11{12‑14}, YO, K1, YO, K 12{14‑15}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 146{158‑170} sts.
Row 27: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 24{27-30}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 28: K 20{22-23}, † YO, K1, YO, K 28{30‑34}, YO, K1, YO †, K 46{50‑52}, repeat from † to † once, K 20{22‑23}: 154{166‑178} sts.
Row 29: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 26{29‑32}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 30: K3, work Cable, † K 14{16-17}, YO, K1, YO, K 13{14‑16}, work Cable, K 13{14‑16}, YO, K1, YO, K 14{16‑17}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 162{174‑186} sts.
Row 31: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 28{31‑34}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 32: K 22{24-25}, † YO, K1, YO, K 32{34‑38}, YO, K1, YO †, K 50{54‑56}, repeat from † to † once, K 22{24‑25}: 170{182‑194} sts.
Row 33: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 30{33‑36}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 34: K3, work Cable, † K 16{18-19}, YO, K1, YO, K 15{16‑18}, work Cable, K 15{16‑18}, YO, K1, YO, K 16{18‑19}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 178{190‑202} sts.
Row 35: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 32{35‑38}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 36: K 24{26-27}, † YO, K1, YO, K 36{38‑42}, YO, K1, YO †, K 54{58‑60}, repeat from † to † once, K 24{26‑27}: 186{198‑210} sts.
Row 37: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 34{37-40}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Size 3 months ONLY
Cut yarn.
Size 6 months ONLY
Row 38: K3, work Cable, † K 20, YO, K1, YO, K 18, work Cable, K 18, YO, K1, YO, K 20, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 206 sts.
Row 39: P2, K1, P4, K1, (P 39, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P 39, K1, P4, K1) twice, P2; cut yarn.
Size 12 months ONLY
Row 38: K3, work Cable, † K 21, YO, K1, YO, K 20, work Cable, K 20, YO, K1, YO, K 21, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 218 sts.
Row 39: P2, K1, P4, K1, (P 42, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P 42, K1, P4, K1) twice, P2.
Row 40: K 29, † YO, K1, YO, K 46, YO, K1, YO †, K 64, repeat from † to † once, K 29: 226 sts.
Row 41: P2, K1, P4, K1, (P 44, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P 44, K1, P4, K1) twice, P2; cut yarn.
Size 3 months ONLY
Row 1: With right side facing, slip first 26 sts onto st holder (right Back), slip next 38 sts onto second st holder (first Sleeve), increase twice, K 17, work Cable, (K4, work Cable) twice, K 17, increase twice, slip next 38 sts onto third st holder (second Sleeve), slip last 26 sts onto fourth st holder (left Back): 62 sts.
Size 6 months ONLY
Row 1: With right side facing, slip first 29 sts onto st holder (right Back), slip next 42 sts onto second st holder (first Sleeve), increase twice, K 60, increase twice, slip next 42 sts onto third st holder (second Sleeve), slip last 29 sts onto fourth st holder (left Back): 68 sts.
Size 12 months ONLY
Row 1: With right side facing, slip first 33 sts onto st holder (right Back), slip next 44 sts onto second st holder (first Sleeve), increase, K 25, work Cable, (K4, work Cable) twice, K 25, increase, slip next 44 sts onto third st holder (second Sleeve), slip last 33 sts onto fourth st holder (left Back): 74 sts.
All Sizes
Rows 2 and 3: Knit across.
Row 4: Purl across.
Row 5: K4, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 3 sts, K3.
Row 6: Purl across.
Row 7: Knit across.
Row 8: Purl across.
Row 9: K1, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 6 sts, K6.
Row 10: Purl across.
Row 11: Knit across.
Repeat Rows 4-11 for pattern until piece measures approximately 11{13‑15}"/28{33‑38} cm from cast on edge, ending by working a purl row.
Note: Maintain established pattern throughout.
Rows 1 and 2: Bind off 7{9-10} sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows, work across: 48{50‑54} sts.
Bind off 2 sts at the beginning of the next 0{10‑8} rows(see Zeros, page 10), work across: 48{30‑38} sts.
Next Row (Decrease row): [Slip 1, K1, PSSO (Figs. 6a & b, page 11)], work across to last 2 sts, K2 tog (Fig. 4, page 10): 46{28‑36} sts.
Continue to decrease one stitch at each edge in same manner, every other row, 13{3‑6} times more: 20{22‑24} sts.
Work even until piece measures approximately 15{171/2‑20}"/38{44.5‑51} cm from cast on edge, ending by working a purl row.
Slip remaining sts onto st holder; cut yarn.
With larger size needles, slip sts from right Back st holder onto empty needle, then slip sts from left Back st holder onto same needle: 52{58‑66} sts.
Size 3 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Working across left Back first, increase twice, K 17, work Cable, K3, turn; add on 6 sts(Figs. 1a & b, page 10), turn; K3, work Cable, K 17, increase twice: 62 sts.
Size 6 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Working across left Back first, increase twice, K 27, turn; add on 6 sts (Figs. 1a & b, page 10), turn; K 27, increase twice: 68 sts.
Size 12 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Working across left Back first, increase, K 25, work Cable, K3, turn; add on 6 sts (Figs. 1a & b, page 10), turn; K3, work Cable, K 25, increase: 74 sts.
All Sizes
Rows 2 and 3: Knit across.
Row 4: Purl across.
Row 5: K4, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 3 sts, K3.
Row 6: Purl across.
Row 7: Knit across.
Row 8: Purl across.
Row 9: K1, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 6 sts, K6.
Row 10: Purl across.
Row 11: Knit across.
Repeat Rows 4-11 for pattern until piece measures approximately 11{13‑15}"/28{33‑38} cm from cast on edge, ending by working a purl row.
Note: Maintain established pattern throughout.
Row 1 (Decrease row): Slip 1, K1, PSSO, work across to last 2 sts, K2 tog: 60{66‑72} sts.
Continue to decrease one stitch at each edge in same manner, every fourth row, 1{3‑5} times; then decrease every other row, 13{11‑9} times: 32{38‑44} sts.
Next 2 Rows: Bind off 6{8‑10} sts, work across: 20{22‑24} sts.
Slip remaining sts onto st holder; cut yarn.
With larger size needles, slip sts from first Sleeve st holder onto empty needle: 38{42‑44} sts.
Size 3 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Increase, K 16, work Cable, K 16, increase: 40 sts.
Size 6 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Increase, knit across to last st, increase: 44 sts.
Size 12 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Increase, K 19, work Cable, K 19, increase: 46 sts.
All Sizes
Rows 2 and 3: Knit across.
Row 4: Purl across.
Row 5: K3{4-1}, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 6{3‑2} sts, K6{3-2}.
Row 6: Purl across.
Row 7: Knit across.
Row 8: Purl across.
Row 9: K6{1-4}, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 3{6‑5} sts, K3{6‑5}.
Row 10: Purl across.
Row 11: Knit across.
Row 12: Purl across.
Change to smaller size needles.
Rows 1-6: Work across in K1, P1 ribbing.
Bind off all sts loosely in ribbing.
Repeat for second Sleeve.
Weave underarm and side in one continuous seam (Fig. 8b, page 11), ending at beginning of Leg Shaping.
With right side facing and using smaller size needles, pick up 30{36‑42} sts evenly spaced across Front and 18{24‑30} sts evenly spaced across Back of Leg opening(Figs. 7a & b, page 11): 48{60‑72} sts.
Rows 1-5: Work across in K1, P1 ribbing.
Bind off all sts loosely in ribbing.
Repeat for second Leg opening.
With right side of Front facing and using smaller size needles, pick up 4 sts evenly spaced across end of Leg Ribbing, slip sts from Front st holder onto empty needle and knit across, pick up 4 sts evenly spaced across end of Leg Ribbing: 28{30‑32} sts.
Rows 1-5: Work across in K1, P1 ribbing.
Bind off all sts in ribbing.
Repeat for Back.
With right side facing and using smaller size needles, pick up 37{39‑41} sts evenly spaced across Left Placket opening: 37{39‑41} sts.
Row 1: P1, (K1, P1) across.
Row 2: K1, (P1, K1) across.
Rows 3-9: Repeat Rows 1 and 2, 3 times; then repeat Row 1 once more.
Bind off all sts in ribbing.
With right side facing and using smaller size needles, pick up 37{39‑41} sts evenly spaced across Right Placket opening: 37{39‑41} sts.
Row 1: P1, (K1, P1) across.
Row 2: K1, (P1, K1) across.
Rows 3 and 4: Repeat Rows 1 and 2.
Row 5 (Buttonhole row): (P1, K1) 2{3‑2} times, YO, K2 tog, (P1, K1) 6{6‑7} times, YO, K2 tog; repeat from once more, P1, K1, P1.
Row 6: K1, (P1, K1) across.
Rows 7-9: Repeat Rows 1 and 2 once, then repeat Row 1 once more.
Bind off all sts in ribbing.
Sew Placket loosely in place, lapping right over left.
Sew snap tape to Bottom Ribbings.
Add buttons.
CC Contrasting Color
cm centimeters
K knit
MC Main Color
mm millimeters
P purl
PSSO pass slipped stitch over
st(s) stitch(es)
tog together
YO(s) yarn over(s)
— work instructions following as many more times as indicated in addition to the first time.
† to † — work all instructions from first † to second † as many times as specified.
( ) or [ ] — work enclosed instructions as many times as specified by the number immediately following or work all enclosed instructions in the stitch indicated or contains explanatory remarks.
colon (:) — the number(s) given after a colon at the end of a row or round denote(s) the number of stitches or spaces you should have on that row or round.
work even — work without increasing or decreasing in the established pattern.
Exact gauge is essential for proper fit. Needle size given in instructions is merely a guide and should never be used without first making a sample swatch approximately 4" (10 cm) square in the stitch, yarn, and needle specified. Then measure it, counting your stitches and rows carefully. If your swatch is larger or smaller than specified, make another, changing needle size to get the correct gauge. If you have more rows per inch than specified, use a larger needle for the purl rows. If you have fewer rows per inch, use a smaller needle on the purl rows. Keep trying until you find the size needles that will give you the specified gauge. Once proper gauge is obtained, measure width of piece approximately every 3" (7.5 cm) to be sure gauge remains consistent.
Beginner - Projects for first-time knitters using basic knit and purl stitches. Minimal shaping.
Easy - Projects using basic stitches, repetitive stitch patterns, simple color changes, and simple shaping and finishing.
Intermediate - Projects with a variety of stitches, such as basic cables and lace, simple intarsia, double-pointed needles and knitting
in the round needle techniques, mid-level shaping and finishing.
Experienced - Projects using advanced techniques and stitches, such as short rows, fair isle, more intricate intarsia, cables, lace
patterns, and numerous color changes.
To consolidate the length of an involved pattern, Zeros are sometimes used so that all sizes can be combined. For example, decrease one stitch at each edge, every row, 0{6‑4} times means the first size would do nothing, the second size would decrease 6 times, and the largest size would decrease 4 times.
Add one to the number of increases required and divide that number into the number of stitches on the needle. Subtract one from the result and the new number is the approximate number of stitches to be worked between each increase. Adjust the number as needed.
Little Brother Onesie Body Suit (Google Affiliate Ad)
Insert the right needle into stitch as if to knit, yarn over and pull loop through (Fig. 1a), insert the left needle into the loop just worked from front to back and slip the loop onto the left needle (Fig. 1b). Repeat for required number of stitches.
Knit the next stitch but do not slip the old stitch off the left needle (Fig. 2a). Insert the right needle into the back loop of the same stitch and knit it (Fig. 2b), then slip the old stitch off the left needle.
YARN OVER (abbreviated YO)
After a knit stitch, before a knit stitch
Bring the yarn forward between the needles, then backover the top of the right hand needle, so that it is now in position to knit the next stitch (Fig. 3a).
After a purl stitch, before a knit stitch
Take yarn over right hand needle to the back, so that it is now in position to knit the next stitch (Fig. 3b).
(abbreviated K2 tog)
Insert the right needle into the front of the first two stitches on the left needle as if to knit (Fig. 4), then knitthem together as if they were one stitch.
(abbreviated P2 tog)
Insert the right needle into the front of the first two stitches on the left needle as if to purl (Fig. 5), then purl them together as if they were one stitch.
(abbreviated slip 1, K1, PSSO)
Slip one stitch as if to knit (Fig. 6a). Knit the next stitch. With the left needle, bring the slipped stitch over the knit stitch (Fig. 6b) and off the needle.
When instructed to pick up stitches, insert the needle from the front to the back under two strands at the edge of the worked piece (Figs. 7a & b). Put the yarn around the needle as if to knit, then bring the needle with the yarn back through the stitch to the right side, resulting in a stitch on the needle.
Repeat this along the edge, picking up the required number of stitches.
A crochet hook may be helpful to pull yarn through.
With the right side of both pieces facing you and edges even, sew through both sides once to secure the seam. Insert the needle under the bar between the first and second stitches on the row and pull the yarn through(Fig. 8). Insert the needle under the next bar on the second side. Repeat from side to side, being careful to match rows. If the edges are different lengths, it may be necessary to insert the needle under two bars at one edge.
Your little ones are sure to be as cute as can be in this precious knitted bubble suit. This design is knitted using sport weight yarn and size 3 (3.25 mm) and 5 (3.75 mm) straight needles.
Pattern used by permission from Leisure Arts (see note at the bottom of the page from LA)
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Design by Joan Beebe.
Approximate Sizes: 3, 6, 12 monthsSize: 3{6-12} months
Finished Measurement:
20{22-24}"/51{56‑61} cm
Size Note: Instructions are written for size 3 months, with sizes 6 and 12 months in braces { }. Instructions will be easier to read, if you circle all the numbers pertaining to your size. If only one number is given, it applies to all sizes.
Sport Weight Yarn, approximately:
3{31/2-41/4} ounces, 375{440-535} yards
[90{100-120} grams, 343{402‑489} meters]
Straight knitting needles, sizes 3 (3.25 mm) and
5 (3.75 mm) or sizes needed for gauge
Cable needle
Stitch holders - 5
Snap tape - 5" (12.5 cm)
Buttons - 3
Yarn needle
Sewing needle and thread
GAUGE: With larger size needles,
in Stockinette Stitch,
24 sts and 32 rows = 4" (10 cm)
Note: Row gauge is very important in this design.
With smaller size needles, cast on 60{70‑80} sts loosely.
Rows 1-6: Work across in K1, P1 ribbing.
Row 7 (Increase row): Work across in K1, P1 ribbing increasing 6{8‑10} sts evenly spaced (Figs. 2a and b, page 10): 66{78‑90} sts.
Change to larger size needles.
Row 8 (Right side): K 10{12-13}, † YO (Fig. 3a, page 10), K1, YO, K8{10‑14}, YO, K1, YO †, K 26{30‑32}, repeat from † to † once, K 10{12‑13}: 74{86‑98} sts.
Row 9: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P6{9-12}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
To work Cable, slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, K2 from left needle, K2 from cable needle.
Row 10: K3, work Cable, † K4{6-7}, YO, K1, YO, K3{4‑6}, work Cable, K3{4‑6}, YO, K1, YO, K4{6‑7}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 82{94‑106} sts.
Row 11: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P8{11-14}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 12: K 12{14-15}, † YO, K1, YO, K 12{14‑18}, YO, K1, YO †, K 30{34‑36}, repeat from † to † once, K 12{14‑15}: 90{102‑114} sts.
Row 13: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 10{13‑16}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 14: K3, work Cable, † K6{8-9}, YO, K1, YO, K5{6‑8}, work Cable, K5{6‑8}, YO, K1, YO, K6{8‑9}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 98{110‑122} sts.
Row 15: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 12{15‑18}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 16: K 14{16-17}, † YO, K1, YO, K 16{18-22}, YO, K1, YO †, K 34{38‑40}, repeat from † to † once, K 14{16‑17}: 106{118‑130} sts.
Row 17: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 14{17‑20}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 18: K3, work Cable, † K8{10‑11}, YO, K1, YO, K7{8‑10}, work Cable, K7{8‑10}, YO, K1, YO, K8{10‑11}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 114{126‑138} sts.
Row 19: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 16{19‑22}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 20: K 16(18-19), † YO, K1, YO, K 20{22‑26}, YO, K1, YO †, K 38{42‑44}, repeat from † to † once, K 16{18‑19}: 122{134‑146} sts.
Row 21: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 18{21‑24}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 22: K3, work Cable, † K 10{12‑13}, YO, K1, YO, K9{10‑12}, work Cable, K9{10‑12}, YO, K1, YO, K 10{12‑13}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 130{142‑154} sts.
Row 23: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 20{23‑26}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 24: K 18(20-21), † YO, K1, YO, K 24{26‑30}, YO, K1, YO †, K 42{46‑48}, repeat from † to † once, K 18{20‑21}: 138{150‑162} sts.
Row 25: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 22{25‑28}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 26: K3, work Cable, † K 12{14-15}, YO, K1, YO, K 11{12‑14}, work Cable, K 11{12‑14}, YO, K1, YO, K 12{14‑15}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 146{158‑170} sts.
Row 27: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 24{27-30}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 28: K 20{22-23}, † YO, K1, YO, K 28{30‑34}, YO, K1, YO †, K 46{50‑52}, repeat from † to † once, K 20{22‑23}: 154{166‑178} sts.
Row 29: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 26{29‑32}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 30: K3, work Cable, † K 14{16-17}, YO, K1, YO, K 13{14‑16}, work Cable, K 13{14‑16}, YO, K1, YO, K 14{16‑17}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 162{174‑186} sts.
Row 31: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 28{31‑34}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 32: K 22{24-25}, † YO, K1, YO, K 32{34‑38}, YO, K1, YO †, K 50{54‑56}, repeat from † to † once, K 22{24‑25}: 170{182‑194} sts.
Row 33: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 30{33‑36}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 34: K3, work Cable, † K 16{18-19}, YO, K1, YO, K 15{16‑18}, work Cable, K 15{16‑18}, YO, K1, YO, K 16{18‑19}, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 178{190‑202} sts.
Row 35: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 32{35‑38}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Row 36: K 24{26-27}, † YO, K1, YO, K 36{38‑42}, YO, K1, YO †, K 54{58‑60}, repeat from † to † once, K 24{26‑27}: 186{198‑210} sts.
Row 37: P2, K1, P4, K1, † P 34{37-40}, K1, P4, K1 †, repeat from † to † once more, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, repeat from † to † twice, P2.
Size 3 months ONLY
Cut yarn.
Size 6 months ONLY
Row 38: K3, work Cable, † K 20, YO, K1, YO, K 18, work Cable, K 18, YO, K1, YO, K 20, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 206 sts.
Row 39: P2, K1, P4, K1, (P 39, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P 39, K1, P4, K1) twice, P2; cut yarn.
Size 12 months ONLY
Row 38: K3, work Cable, † K 21, YO, K1, YO, K 20, work Cable, K 20, YO, K1, YO, K 21, work Cable †, (K4, work Cable) twice, repeat from † to † once, K3: 218 sts.
Row 39: P2, K1, P4, K1, (P 42, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P 42, K1, P4, K1) twice, P2.
Row 40: K 29, † YO, K1, YO, K 46, YO, K1, YO †, K 64, repeat from † to † once, K 29: 226 sts.
Row 41: P2, K1, P4, K1, (P 44, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P2, K1, P4, K1) twice, (P 44, K1, P4, K1) twice, P2; cut yarn.
Size 3 months ONLY
Row 1: With right side facing, slip first 26 sts onto st holder (right Back), slip next 38 sts onto second st holder (first Sleeve), increase twice, K 17, work Cable, (K4, work Cable) twice, K 17, increase twice, slip next 38 sts onto third st holder (second Sleeve), slip last 26 sts onto fourth st holder (left Back): 62 sts.
Size 6 months ONLY
Row 1: With right side facing, slip first 29 sts onto st holder (right Back), slip next 42 sts onto second st holder (first Sleeve), increase twice, K 60, increase twice, slip next 42 sts onto third st holder (second Sleeve), slip last 29 sts onto fourth st holder (left Back): 68 sts.
Size 12 months ONLY
Row 1: With right side facing, slip first 33 sts onto st holder (right Back), slip next 44 sts onto second st holder (first Sleeve), increase, K 25, work Cable, (K4, work Cable) twice, K 25, increase, slip next 44 sts onto third st holder (second Sleeve), slip last 33 sts onto fourth st holder (left Back): 74 sts.
All Sizes
Rows 2 and 3: Knit across.
Row 4: Purl across.
Row 5: K4, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 3 sts, K3.
Row 6: Purl across.
Row 7: Knit across.
Row 8: Purl across.
Row 9: K1, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 6 sts, K6.
Row 10: Purl across.
Row 11: Knit across.
Repeat Rows 4-11 for pattern until piece measures approximately 11{13‑15}"/28{33‑38} cm from cast on edge, ending by working a purl row.
Note: Maintain established pattern throughout.
Rows 1 and 2: Bind off 7{9-10} sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows, work across: 48{50‑54} sts.
Bind off 2 sts at the beginning of the next 0{10‑8} rows(see Zeros, page 10), work across: 48{30‑38} sts.
Next Row (Decrease row): [Slip 1, K1, PSSO (Figs. 6a & b, page 11)], work across to last 2 sts, K2 tog (Fig. 4, page 10): 46{28‑36} sts.
Continue to decrease one stitch at each edge in same manner, every other row, 13{3‑6} times more: 20{22‑24} sts.
Work even until piece measures approximately 15{171/2‑20}"/38{44.5‑51} cm from cast on edge, ending by working a purl row.
Slip remaining sts onto st holder; cut yarn.
With larger size needles, slip sts from right Back st holder onto empty needle, then slip sts from left Back st holder onto same needle: 52{58‑66} sts.
Size 3 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Working across left Back first, increase twice, K 17, work Cable, K3, turn; add on 6 sts(Figs. 1a & b, page 10), turn; K3, work Cable, K 17, increase twice: 62 sts.
Size 6 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Working across left Back first, increase twice, K 27, turn; add on 6 sts (Figs. 1a & b, page 10), turn; K 27, increase twice: 68 sts.
Size 12 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Working across left Back first, increase, K 25, work Cable, K3, turn; add on 6 sts (Figs. 1a & b, page 10), turn; K3, work Cable, K 25, increase: 74 sts.
All Sizes
Rows 2 and 3: Knit across.
Row 4: Purl across.
Row 5: K4, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 3 sts, K3.
Row 6: Purl across.
Row 7: Knit across.
Row 8: Purl across.
Row 9: K1, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 6 sts, K6.
Row 10: Purl across.
Row 11: Knit across.
Repeat Rows 4-11 for pattern until piece measures approximately 11{13‑15}"/28{33‑38} cm from cast on edge, ending by working a purl row.
Note: Maintain established pattern throughout.
Row 1 (Decrease row): Slip 1, K1, PSSO, work across to last 2 sts, K2 tog: 60{66‑72} sts.
Continue to decrease one stitch at each edge in same manner, every fourth row, 1{3‑5} times; then decrease every other row, 13{11‑9} times: 32{38‑44} sts.
Next 2 Rows: Bind off 6{8‑10} sts, work across: 20{22‑24} sts.
Slip remaining sts onto st holder; cut yarn.
With larger size needles, slip sts from first Sleeve st holder onto empty needle: 38{42‑44} sts.
Size 3 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Increase, K 16, work Cable, K 16, increase: 40 sts.
Size 6 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Increase, knit across to last st, increase: 44 sts.
Size 12 months ONLY
Row 1 (Right side): Increase, K 19, work Cable, K 19, increase: 46 sts.
All Sizes
Rows 2 and 3: Knit across.
Row 4: Purl across.
Row 5: K3{4-1}, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 6{3‑2} sts, K6{3-2}.
Row 6: Purl across.
Row 7: Knit across.
Row 8: Purl across.
Row 9: K6{1-4}, P1, (K5, P1) across to last 3{6‑5} sts, K3{6‑5}.
Row 10: Purl across.
Row 11: Knit across.
Row 12: Purl across.
Change to smaller size needles.
Rows 1-6: Work across in K1, P1 ribbing.
Bind off all sts loosely in ribbing.
Repeat for second Sleeve.
Weave underarm and side in one continuous seam (Fig. 8b, page 11), ending at beginning of Leg Shaping.
With right side facing and using smaller size needles, pick up 30{36‑42} sts evenly spaced across Front and 18{24‑30} sts evenly spaced across Back of Leg opening(Figs. 7a & b, page 11): 48{60‑72} sts.
Rows 1-5: Work across in K1, P1 ribbing.
Bind off all sts loosely in ribbing.
Repeat for second Leg opening.
With right side of Front facing and using smaller size needles, pick up 4 sts evenly spaced across end of Leg Ribbing, slip sts from Front st holder onto empty needle and knit across, pick up 4 sts evenly spaced across end of Leg Ribbing: 28{30‑32} sts.
Rows 1-5: Work across in K1, P1 ribbing.
Bind off all sts in ribbing.
Repeat for Back.
With right side facing and using smaller size needles, pick up 37{39‑41} sts evenly spaced across Left Placket opening: 37{39‑41} sts.
Row 1: P1, (K1, P1) across.
Row 2: K1, (P1, K1) across.
Rows 3-9: Repeat Rows 1 and 2, 3 times; then repeat Row 1 once more.
Bind off all sts in ribbing.
With right side facing and using smaller size needles, pick up 37{39‑41} sts evenly spaced across Right Placket opening: 37{39‑41} sts.
Row 1: P1, (K1, P1) across.
Row 2: K1, (P1, K1) across.
Rows 3 and 4: Repeat Rows 1 and 2.
Row 5 (Buttonhole row): (P1, K1) 2{3‑2} times, YO, K2 tog, (P1, K1) 6{6‑7} times, YO, K2 tog; repeat from once more, P1, K1, P1.
Row 6: K1, (P1, K1) across.
Rows 7-9: Repeat Rows 1 and 2 once, then repeat Row 1 once more.
Bind off all sts in ribbing.
Sew Placket loosely in place, lapping right over left.
Sew snap tape to Bottom Ribbings.
Add buttons.
CC Contrasting Color
cm centimeters
K knit
MC Main Color
mm millimeters
P purl
PSSO pass slipped stitch over
st(s) stitch(es)
tog together
YO(s) yarn over(s)
— work instructions following as many more times as indicated in addition to the first time.
† to † — work all instructions from first † to second † as many times as specified.
( ) or [ ] — work enclosed instructions as many times as specified by the number immediately following or work all enclosed instructions in the stitch indicated or contains explanatory remarks.
colon (:) — the number(s) given after a colon at the end of a row or round denote(s) the number of stitches or spaces you should have on that row or round.
work even — work without increasing or decreasing in the established pattern.
Exact gauge is essential for proper fit. Needle size given in instructions is merely a guide and should never be used without first making a sample swatch approximately 4" (10 cm) square in the stitch, yarn, and needle specified. Then measure it, counting your stitches and rows carefully. If your swatch is larger or smaller than specified, make another, changing needle size to get the correct gauge. If you have more rows per inch than specified, use a larger needle for the purl rows. If you have fewer rows per inch, use a smaller needle on the purl rows. Keep trying until you find the size needles that will give you the specified gauge. Once proper gauge is obtained, measure width of piece approximately every 3" (7.5 cm) to be sure gauge remains consistent.
Beginner - Projects for first-time knitters using basic knit and purl stitches. Minimal shaping.
Easy - Projects using basic stitches, repetitive stitch patterns, simple color changes, and simple shaping and finishing.
Intermediate - Projects with a variety of stitches, such as basic cables and lace, simple intarsia, double-pointed needles and knitting
in the round needle techniques, mid-level shaping and finishing.
Experienced - Projects using advanced techniques and stitches, such as short rows, fair isle, more intricate intarsia, cables, lace
patterns, and numerous color changes.
To consolidate the length of an involved pattern, Zeros are sometimes used so that all sizes can be combined. For example, decrease one stitch at each edge, every row, 0{6‑4} times means the first size would do nothing, the second size would decrease 6 times, and the largest size would decrease 4 times.
Add one to the number of increases required and divide that number into the number of stitches on the needle. Subtract one from the result and the new number is the approximate number of stitches to be worked between each increase. Adjust the number as needed.
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Insert the right needle into stitch as if to knit, yarn over and pull loop through (Fig. 1a), insert the left needle into the loop just worked from front to back and slip the loop onto the left needle (Fig. 1b). Repeat for required number of stitches.
Knit the next stitch but do not slip the old stitch off the left needle (Fig. 2a). Insert the right needle into the back loop of the same stitch and knit it (Fig. 2b), then slip the old stitch off the left needle.
YARN OVER (abbreviated YO)
After a knit stitch, before a knit stitch
Bring the yarn forward between the needles, then backover the top of the right hand needle, so that it is now in position to knit the next stitch (Fig. 3a).
After a purl stitch, before a knit stitch
Take yarn over right hand needle to the back, so that it is now in position to knit the next stitch (Fig. 3b).
(abbreviated K2 tog)
Insert the right needle into the front of the first two stitches on the left needle as if to knit (Fig. 4), then knitthem together as if they were one stitch.
(abbreviated P2 tog)
Insert the right needle into the front of the first two stitches on the left needle as if to purl (Fig. 5), then purl them together as if they were one stitch.
(abbreviated slip 1, K1, PSSO)
Slip one stitch as if to knit (Fig. 6a). Knit the next stitch. With the left needle, bring the slipped stitch over the knit stitch (Fig. 6b) and off the needle.
When instructed to pick up stitches, insert the needle from the front to the back under two strands at the edge of the worked piece (Figs. 7a & b). Put the yarn around the needle as if to knit, then bring the needle with the yarn back through the stitch to the right side, resulting in a stitch on the needle.
Repeat this along the edge, picking up the required number of stitches.
A crochet hook may be helpful to pull yarn through.
With the right side of both pieces facing you and edges even, sew through both sides once to secure the seam. Insert the needle under the bar between the first and second stitches on the row and pull the yarn through(Fig. 8). Insert the needle under the next bar on the second side. Repeat from side to side, being careful to match rows. If the edges are different lengths, it may be necessary to insert the needle under two bars at one edge.
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