In my house when we are not using a crocheted blanket or a quilt it hangs on the back of a couch or a chair (or on the floor if the little ones come to visit). If I decide to put them away they go in the closet but then they cannot be shown off to guest or for me to enjoy the effort that was put into them. I also have a few that I don't use as often but would like to display in a bedroom or family room and possibly change them out. That's where these beautiful and inexpensive quilt racks com in handy. The Deluxe Quilt Rack with a Shelf is perfect for any room and you can hang your quilt or handmade crocheted or knitted afghan on it. This shelf shown comes in black, walnut and white for under $20
There are also the standard quilt racks or blanket racks that you can use if you have space on your floor area to display your blankets and quilts. These are helpful when you want to utilize the racks in different rooms or put more than one quilt or blanket on a rack.